What Can Rich Teach You?

“Real-Estate #101”

Bonus Material

1. How to Manage Your Health as an Entrepreneur?

Invincible. That’s you right? Sacrificing now for the future, the bigger picture. You too.

While making big progress and success fast and at a young age may take a life that lacks balance and certain normalities,  you can not be so stupid as believe you can burn the candle from both ends forever, and not suffer repercussions. Its easy to get lost on the road to riches and have time pass by while you go.

Maybe you were never taught about a healthy lifestyle and habits. Maybe you have not been a victim of burnout or disease. Maybe you know all about it, but the chase of success and money has you neglecting yourself and lacking balance again. Skipping Meals. Not hydrating. Not eating right. Not supplementing. Rarely working out. Not getting blood work and exams.  Not sleeping enough. Not having work/ life separation. Not having a social life. Not disconnecting. Stressing and having anxiety. Partying to much. Not having healthy habits and friends. Being a workaholic. Neglecting yourself.

This is how entrepreneurs treat themselves to achieve greatness. While your body may take this abuse for a while, your bound to crash and burn out, or worse, die young or prematurely. It’s important from the beginning of your journey your put an emphasis on putting yourself first, and thinking long term.

Your health is your #1 Asset and the foundation for your short and long term success, and retention of what you’ve built.  Believe me, it can happen to you. You can get sick, or develop a chronic problem that can take away your money, business, relationships, and happiness. Make sure while your grinding away, living the fast life, making money, doing deals, and making the sacrifices necessary to achieve greatness, that you put your health first.

Your Health is your #1 and most important investment. Truly, invest in yourself. Not just a Mentor.

2. Setting Up Shop – Laying the Groundwork for Greatness

Rich looked back at his journey starting from the beginning when he first got started in business and marketing. He looked specifically for the necessary, simple to do, and affordable steps anyone can take, to open up shop, and lay the basic foundational groundwork needed to brand, market, and hold yourself out to be a professional who is in business, and means business. Building a solid foundation and starting off with the basics necessities, tools, and ideas, is the key to your initial success and building momentum. Together, we will lay the groundwork for you to open up shop!

3. The Recipe for Success

There is a “recipe” for success. It has nothing to do with marketing, or systems, mentoring, or branding. It’s  much more human and organic then that. It’s a vibe.  A way of being. A way of moving. A code you live by.  This way, is the recipe for how to conduct business, how to conduct yourself, in a way that protects and grow your reputation and showcases your intelligence and integrity. This will give you longevity in the game.  The recipe will also give you the awareness you need to make the right choices to live up to an honorable set of values, the insight you need to move like a success story, and the mindset to set and enforce boundaries for self respect and branding.  All this is necessary to protect your integrity and avoid the common pitfalls professionals fall victim to like  greed, breaking their word, breaching their contract, and speaking badly of others. What you cook up, depends on the recipe and how you follow it!

4. Managing Your Money & Budgeting

Rich has been a fulltime wholesaler since 2010. Selling 800 plus deals for other wholesalers, and himself, using Joint Venture Agreements. Rich can teach you everything there is to know about how to get customers, the JV process, the paperwork, negotiations, and more.

5. Customer Retention,

Rich has been a fulltime wholesaler since 2010. Selling 800 plus deals for other wholesalers, and himself, using Joint Venture Agreements. Rich can teach you everything there is to know about how to get customers, the JV process, the paperwork, negotiations, and more.